Here are a few startling facts:
The Indian state that has the highest per capita income has the second-highest debt burden.
The state that has the highest percentage of population under the poverty line has the lowest debt burden.
The difference in the infant mortality rate between the two states that hug the bottom of the debt list is one life. These two states also see one of the highest infant mortality rates in the country.
Two of the states in this list are ruled by the CPI (M) and three each by the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Top 13 Debit Ridden States -
Defenation of an Enterprise - The entire organization, including all of its subsidiaries. It implies a large corporation or government agency, but it may also refer to a company of any size with many systems and users to manage. It depends on context. A corner candy store is "someone's enterprise." The terms "enterprise," "company," "corporation" and "organization" are used synonymously.
Defenation of an Entrepreneur -
An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of an enterprise, or venture, and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. It is an ambitious leader who combines land, labour, and capital to create and market new goods or services. The term is a loanword from French and was first defined by the Irish economist Richard Cantillon. Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to the type of personality who is willing to take upon herself or himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome. Jean-Baptiste Say, a french economist, believed to be coined the word Entrepreneur first in about at 1800. He said an entrepreneur is "one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a contractor, acting as intermediatory between capital and labour". - Wikipedia.
Rank State Debt Per capita Income Population below poverty
1 Uttar Pradesh 131,32 161,358 13,262
1 Uttar Pradesh 131,32 161,358 13,262
1 Uttar Pradesh 131,32 161,358 13,262
1 Uttar Pradesh 131,32 161,358 13,262
1 Uttar Pradesh 131,32 161,358 13,262
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Most Debt Ridden states in India
Posted by E Reddy on 14:30 // 0 comments
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