It’s very sorry state of affairs what is happing at Satyam right now. Management went greedy towards other business and had less focus on main core(IT services) which earned bread and butter for them for being there.
Hope they can revive their entire client marquee and be on track soon. Let us all wish the new board for constructive decisions and make the company to stand with its head high.
All IT guys at Satyam worked hard as we do, but it is very unfortunate and we can make out what can be going through their minds. Cheer up guys. Tough times don't last tough guys will do. When i was going through some article on satyam fiasco came through this below wonderfully written comment under that article -
Hi, to all of you Satyamites, wishing you a good day.
I do not work at Satyam nor have relatives there etc (better I put a disclaimer out here first). I work in the IT industry and wish to share what's been going through my mind :
1. On hearing the news of the fraud committed by the chairman, my thoughts first went to all of you Satyamites, wherever you may be in the world. I have had the privilege to work with many of you as a consultant and customer and know from my experience, how professional, dedicated and committed you are with your work and your customer projects. So, there should not be any debate on it
2. Your first priority should be to get support and strength to face up to what can be a long a hard journey ahead. Your family, your colleauges at work, your customers - let them know you need them, not just in good times, but now, more than ever. The good ones will respond, and you can then focus on what you need to do to steer the ship
3. It is not just what NRN or Mr. Pai said, you will hear a lot of comments from people in the industry - some may have vested interests, some may just want to score points with investors saying they are different, some may show genuine interest in providing support - take them all in your stride. Every comment you react to, every comment you carry to home or to work with you, let it give you more determination- energy that you can better use to plan your way ahead.
4. It is difficult to say which is the right thing to do as an employee - 'Stay or Leave’. As you know, it depends on the individual. One thing, i humbly propose, treat your colleagues' decisions with respect. Whether they choose to stay and fight it out or choose to leave, respect their decision and focus just on what you need to do and follow your own destiny.
5. It is worth keeping in mind that, through these events and experiences, you will realise how interconnected we all are in this industry. Many of you would have joined from other companies, some of you may leave to join another company, but it is important to see us as one big community. If you are reading this and are an employee of Infy, Wipro etc, its no use saying 'there's a hole in the boat, but its not on my side of the boat'. Reach out with understanding or stay out of the way, without doing harm. That's the least we all can do. I wish you well; all of you at Satyam have lived a very powerful idea all these years and brought a company this far. You have been a worthy competitor in the global IT industry. The future is a pure white canvas and what you fill in it from here on is all up to you. Go for it! Have faith ! Have fun.
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Satyam Fiasco
Posted by E Reddy on 16:24 // 1 comment
hhgfdhdh hth